What are the contraceptive options at the Clinic @ 78?


We offer various contraceptive options at our private GP clinic in Bournemouth. Whether you wish to temporarily or permanently prevent pregnancy, we can help. To learn more about the methods of contraception we offer, read our blog.

Methods of contraception

At The Clinic @ 78, you aren’t limited to the pill. We offer several forms of contraception to suit your needs. Whether you want something that works with your everyday routine or something you can almost forget about.

If you aren’t sure which method of contraception would work for you, we can discuss your needs together. Many people prefer long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) that can last for weeks, months, or even years. 

LARCs are often considered the ‘worry-free’ option, as there is no need to regularly remember them. Though, it’s important to remember that these options do not offer STI protection. For STI protection, you will need to use external or internal condoms.

If you have concerns about your sexual health, you can contact us for a discreet sexual health check-up. Our private GPs provide sexual health and safe sex knowledge and rest assured you can ask us anything. We can also arrange an STI test if you are experiencing concerning symptoms.

Contraceptive options for women

Methods of contraception for women and people with uteruses vary widely. Your choices range from hormonal or non-hormonal contraceptives and external or internal options.

Contraceptive implant

We place a small flexible rod – the contraceptive implant – just under the skin of your arm. It slowly releases the hormone progesterone into your bloodstream. 

As a result, the mucus in the entrance to your womb (your cervix) thickens. This makes it harder for sperm to move around your cervix to reach and fertilise an egg. It also thins your womb lining so a fertilised egg is less able to implant itself.

The contraceptive implant is over 99% effective. It lasts for 3 years, which is useful if you don’t want a baby for a while. While using the implant, your periods may become lighter, heavier, or irregular. 

You may also develop some acne and experience temporary side effects in the first few months. These include mood swings, tender breasts, and headaches. To learn more, watch our videos on the contraceptive implant.

IUD (intrauterine device)

At our private GP clinic, we offer two types of coils: the IUD and the IUS. The IUD is a T-shaped device also known as the copper coil. It is over 99% effective. We insert it into the womb via your vagina. 

You may find the fitting a little uncomfortable, but this discomfort is temporary. The IUD then lasts for 5 to 10 years, though we can remove it at any time. It works by releasing copper into your womb instead of hormones, making it hard for sperm to fertilise an egg.

For 3 to 6 months after the fitting, your periods may become heavier or longer. You might also experience more pain with your period than usual. During this time, bleeding or spotting between your periods is also normal. After this time, these symptoms should settle.

IUS (intrauterine system)

The IUS is fitted and works similarly to the IUD, except it releases progesterone instead of copper. It is also over 99% effective when fitted correctly and typically lasts for 3 to 5 years.

While using the intrauterine system, your periods may stop or become lighter and shorter. If you experience painful or heavy periods, you may find the IUS a good option. Side effects of the IUS include mood swings, tender breasts, and skin problems.

Watch our video below to learn who is suitable to use a coil and when we may not recommend one.

To watch more videos, go to our IUD playlist.

Breastfeeding and contraception

It is a myth that you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. If you don’t wish to get pregnant, you will need to use a form of contraception. 

While breastfeeding, you should not use a vaginal ring, the combined pill, or a contraceptive patch. However, you can use the contraceptive implant or barrier methods, such as condoms.

Contraception after pregnancy (postpartum)

Even if your periods have not returned, it’s still possible to get pregnant shortly after giving birth. Some people develop medical conditions during pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, that affect their contraceptive options after giving birth.

We recommend discussing your options with your doctor to determine the best choice for you. Your doctor may advise against using the ring, patch, or combined pill.

Male contraceptive options

While fewer options are available for men and people with testicles, we can offer permanent contraceptive options. You may want a permanent form of contraception if you plan to never have or have no more children.

Surgical vasectomy

A vasectomy is a minor operation to prevent sperm from reaching semen. We do this by cutting or sealing the tubes that carry sperm to the semen. This prevents you from impregnating another person. 

We will need to test your semen 12 weeks after the procedure to confirm that the vasectomy was a success. Rarely, your tubes may re-join naturally, reversing the procedure. While we can reverse a vasectomy, we advise you to think of this as a permanent procedure. A vasectomy reversal is difficult and we cannot guarantee that it will be successful.

After your vasectomy, you will need to use contraception for 8 weeks. For a few days after, you may feel a bit uncomfortable, but this should pass quickly. You might also experience swelling or bruising around the area and blood in your semen.

No-scalpel vasectomy

Unlike a traditional vasectomy, with a no-scalpel vasectomy, we don’t use a scalpel to cut the skin. Instead, we create a small hole to access the tubes that carry your sperm. 

Using this method means you should experience less pain and less bleeding. You also won’t need stitches, as you do with a traditional vasectomy. After the procedure, you may also experience swelling for a few days and minor discomfort.

To learn more, watch our videos on vasectomy and no-scalpel vasectomy.

Book an appointment

At The Clinic @ 78, we offer a comprehensive range of health services, including contraception and sexual health services. Our private GPs and gynaecologists can cover all your concerns in one place.

During your initial consultation, we will discuss your medical history, personal preferences, and lifestyle. We can then determine the most suitable contraception option for you together. Then again, if you already know which contraceptive you would like to use, simply let us know.

To arrange your consultation, contact us today. Use our online form or call us on 01202 767000.

Resources for further information

Your contraception guide

The NHS discusses all forms of contraception in their guide, including the combined pill, injection, patch, and vaginal ring.

Debunking common birth control myths

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding birth control. Read this article to discover some of the common misconceptions about birth control.

How to find the best birth control method for your lifestyle

If you aren’t sure which method of contraception will best suit your lifestyle, Healthline’s article may help you out.

Female sterilisation

Sterilisation offers a permanent solution to prevent pregnancy. SH:24 breaks down what female sterilisation is and how it works on this page.

2 male contraceptive pills show promise in early studies

Medical News Today discusses two new contraceptive pills that may lead to a wider range of contraceptive options for men.

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