Private GP services
Same day appointments available.
Appointments 20 minutes or longer.
Wide range of blood tests and other investigations in house.
Rapid access to Specialist in house Consultants.
Private GP services
We understand that getting access to your regular GP (General Practitioner) can be tricky but with the Clinic you’ll enjoy same day appointments with our experienced local GPs from as little as £98.
Delivered from our state of the art medical facility in the heart of Westbourne, you can get consultations either as a one-off appointment, or as regularly as you need. We offer more time than NHS GPs to discuss your concerns, examine you and make an appropriate management plan. This will not interfere at all with your access to the NHS and you do not need to live locally.
You can benefit from swift diagnostic tests such as blood tests, ultrasound scans and more. If needed onward referral to our in-house multi-disciplinary team of specialists can be made, and you can get trouble-free prescriptions from our affiliated pharmacy – Arrowedge.
Arrange a GP appointment
You can book and pay for an appointment online by clicking the link below, alternatively you can
Call: 01202 767 000
Or fill in your details below and we’ll contact you to book a date and time.
Book your consultation
As well as providing an excellent level of care in comfortable, high-end surroundings, we know that efficiency and convenience also really matter.
At the Clinic @ 78, all of our services are managed within a single system, to keep things as quick and simple for you as possible. This means a smooth booking process, minimal waiting times and fast, simple referrals.
Book a consultation
Click below if you would like to book
a consultation with one of our experts.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, you can get answers
by completing our simple online form.
Request a callback
Request a callback, and one of our expert team
will be in touch at your convenience.