What is a urology clinic and why go to one?


If you have worrying symptoms relating to your bladder, kidneys, prostate, testes or penis, you might need to visit a urology clinic.

But what exactly is a urology clinic and how can a urologist help you? We explain.

Read on to discover more about urology, common symptoms and whether you should see a urologist.

What is urology?

Urology is the study of the urinary tract and the male reproductive tract. Your urinary tract is the system in your body that manages your urine (pee).

A urology specialist is called a urologist. They will look at issues relating to your bladder, kidneys, prostate, testes and penis.

“We deal with benign non-cancerous conditions which can include kidney stones, urinary symptoms, problems with fertility. And the other side of the spectrum is the cancers associated with our organs of choice”

Mr James Douglas, Consultant Urologist, The Clinic @78

What is a urology clinic?

A urology clinic specialises in issues surrounding the urinary tract and the male reproductive tract.

It is a common myth that only men see a urologist. However, anyone experiencing issues with their urinary tract can see one.

Some private urology clinics will focus on general urology, whereas others will specialise in one area of urology.

Whilst you’re at our urology clinic, we may order urine tests or imaging scans. So we can get a better idea of what could be causing your symptoms.

Why see a urology specialist?

Your doctor may suggest you need to see a specialist for your concerns.

If you’re not sure a urologist is who you need to see, our list of symptoms might make that decision easier for you.

Common symptoms in urology:

  • Blood in your urine
  • Struggling to urinate
  • Pain when you urinate
  • Problems holding in your urine
  • Feeling like you need to urinate often
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Struggling to get or keep an erection
  • Pressure or a bulging sensation in the vagina
  • Lower back, stomach or groin pain (may be caused by kidney stones)

There are many conditions that may be causing your symptoms.

Common urological conditions include:

  • Kidney stones
  • Kidney obstruction or infection
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Cancers of the kidney, bladder, prostate
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Vaginal prolapse
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia

One sign of benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlarged prostate.

For more information on an enlarged prostate, watch our video:

Learn more about urology

Here are some useful links to learn more about urology

Which procedures involve a hospital stay?

Some treatment options may include a hospital stay. Find out which and if that could be part of your experience.

So many different words

Seeing a urologist can be confusing, especially with so many technical words. This glossary breaks down some of the language used in urology.

The gender gap in urology

This article lists common urological symptoms in women, with scenarios and solutions.

Urology for children

If you’re looking for advice on urology symptoms in a child and seeing a child-focused (pediatric) specialist, the Urology Care Foundation can shed some light.

Why choose The Clinic @ 78?

The urology specialists at our private urology clinic offer expert advice for all your urological symptoms.

Some of the services we offer at The Clinic @ 78 include:

  • Check your urine sample for infection-causing bacteria
  • Imaging scans to get a better look at your urinary tract
  • A cystogram to take X-ray images of your bladder
  • A cystoscopy, using a thin scope called a cystoscope to look at the inside of your bladder and urethra (the tube through which you pass urine)
  • A post-void residual urine test to see how quickly urine leaves your body
  • Performing urodynamic testing to measure the pressure and volume inside your bladder.

If you think you need help from our private urology specialists, contact us today to book an appointment.

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